
Search Tips

Search Tips

Our site contains hundreds of different products. We realize that finding the recording you want among this mass of different selections can seem a daunting task.  We offer these tips and information to assist you in your search.

Option 1: Use the "Search" feature of the website. Near the top of toolbar on the left side of this page is a "SEARCH" box.  This feature can be the easiest way to find the selection you seek.  If you know the album release number, we recommend you search by that number. (Every album has a release number. Usually you find it on the front or back cover of the record jacket. If you don't find it there, you should see it on the record label itself.)  If you don't know the release number, but you know the name of the artist, we suggest you search by the artist's name.  Additionally, if you know the the music you are seeking was part of a series of releases (i.e. Readers Digest, Longines Symphonette, Firestone, Goodyear, Grants, etc.), you can search by the series. For instance, to find Readers Digest release, simply search for "Readers Digest."

If you are looking for a particular song, we recommend using the "ADVANCED SEARCH" feature.  To find this feature, simply look under the "ONLINE STORE MENU" in the middle of the toolbar on the left side of the webpage.  You will also see a link to the "ADVANCED SEARCH" feature beneath the search box at the bottom of the toolbar. To achieve the best search results and parse out unneeded information, we suggest you use "ALL WORDS" or "EXACT PHRASE" as the search type.

Option 2: Search by Category.  Every release we offer has been assigned to a category. Categories consist of Series Releases, Compilations, Releases by a Single Artist, Boxed Sets, Childrens, and MP3s Available. On the toolbar on the left side of the webpage, you will find this listing of CATEGORIES about mid-way down the toolbar.  After clicking on one of the category listings, you will find that each category has been divided into subset groups to make your search easier.  The subset headings should be self-explanatory.

Option 3: Search for New Products. Under the "ONLINE STORE MENU" heading on the left side toolbar, you will find a listing for "NEW PRODUCTS."  Use this link to review new products offered. We refresh new products each holiday season, so you will find only products that we have acquired since last holiday season.

As always, if you have any questions or have trouble locating your release, please call us. We're happy to help.   1-800-384-6970 or 1-513-274-1144.

Kryptronic Internet Software Solutions