Track Listing Series 1: Eyes (down, right, up, left. Reverse), Head (down, right, back left, Reverse.), Shoulders (down, back, up, front, Reverse. Arms hang limply), Trunk (down, right, back left, Reverse. Hands on Hips.), Arms (stretched out to side. Circle), Everything (moves in circles at once). Series 2: Toe Balance (hands on hips, feet together. Rise on toes. Resolve to a heel-and-toe rock.), One Foot Balance (arms outstretched, bend forward and stretch each leg back in turn, and balance. Keep head up.) Rest Signature (Swing Kick (with body erect and arms outstretched, swing each foot first front and then back), One Foot Side Kick (with hands on hips, raise each leg in turn sideward) Rest Signature: One Foot Hop (with hands on hips, hop to the beat, first on one foot, then on the other.) Series 3: Hands Clasp (hands are held in front and clasped and unclasped), Jumping Jacks (stand erect, then swing arms up and overhead while simultaneously moving feet sideward in a single jumping motion. Then spring back to starting position.) Rest Signature: Back Stretcher (stand with feet apart and arms overhead. Bend forward from hips, knees bent, and bounce arms downward between legs. Return to starting position.), Hands Clasped Behind Back Bounce (Clasp hands behind back and bend forward. Then stretch clasped hands upward and bounce. Stand up straight on 4th beat.) Series 4: Reach Stretch (reach and stretch first with one arm, then the other), Toe Touch (First stretch high, then touch toes), Squat Thrust (stand erect to begin, then bend knees and place hands on floor in front of feet. Thrust legs back so body is straight from shoulders to fee. Return to squat position and then stand erect.) Rest Signature: Rag Doll Bounce (drop trunk from hips and bounce limply) Series 5 (Floor Exercise) Stretch To Toes (sit erect on floor, arms stretched out to side, first bend forward from waist, then stretch arms out front to touch toes, then touch nose to knees), Body Twist (Feet spread apart, arms stretched out to side, twist body from left to right), Leg Raise (Resting on elbows, raise each leg in turn as high as possible), Deep Breathing (Lying flat with arms at sides, raise arms above head while inhaling. Lower arms while exhaling) The Physical Fitness Walk: Walking (a nice easy pace), Astronaut Walk (take giant steps keeping with the beat), Kangaroo Hop (hop on both feet springing forward with knees bent), Crab Walk (position is face up with hands and feet on the floor. Maneuver upside down on all "fours".), Bear Walk (turn over quickly from previous position and walk on all "fours" facing downward), Climbing Stairs (Use the whole body in pantomime style), Gorilla Walk (Bend over with arms swinging loosely), Jogging (can also be done "in place" if space is limited) Series 2: Knee Bend Stretch (with hands on hips, bend knees and then come slowly up on toes and stretch arms overhead), Body Twist (arms stretched out to side, feet apart, twist the body from left to right), Deep Knee Bend Bounce (hands on hips, bend knees and assume squatting position. Then bounce twice and stand erect) Series 3: Body Bender (start with feet apart, right hand on hip, the left arm over your head. Bend to the right form the hips. Reverse), Windmill (feet apart, arms stretched out to side, bend forward and touch left hand to right toe, the right hand to left toe), Wing Stretch (Stand erect and raise elbows to shoulder height, fists clenched. Stretch elbows back in time to the music.), Butterfly (stand erect with arms stretched out to side. Raise and lower them in time to the music. Series 4 (Floor Exercise): Ankle (sitting on floor, lean back on elbows and rotate ankles one at a time), Side Leg Raise (first lie on right side and raise left leg vertically. Then lie on left side and raise right leg.), Bent Knee Sit Ups (lie on floor knees bent and arms stretched overhead. Sit up and touch nose to knees keeping arms stretched and straight) Rest Signature: Bicycle (lie on floor with arms at sides, lift both legs in the air and rotate them in a cycling motion.), Knee Raise (lying flat on floor, first raise right knee to chest and lower again, then left knee.), Deep Breathing |