Cast: Danny Carroll (Andy Lee), Robert Colston (Oscar), Stan Page (Mac), Karen Prunczik (Annie), Carole Cook (Maggie Jones), Joseph Bova (Bert Barry), Lee Roy Remas (Billy Lawlor), Wanda Richert (Peggy Sawyer), Ginny King (Lorraine), Jeri Kansas (Phyllis), Jerry Orbach (Julian Marsh), Tammy Grimes (Dorothy Brock), Don Crabtree (Abner Dillon), James Congdon (Pat Denning), Stan Page, Ron Schwinn (Thugs), Stan Page (Doctor) Song Listing: Overture/ Audition - Andy Lee and Ensemble Shadow Waltz - Dorothy Brock and Girls Young and Healthy - Billy Lawlor, Peggy Sawyer Go Into Your Dance - Maggie Jones, Peggy, Annie, Andy, Lorraine, Phyllis You're Getting to Be a Habit with Me - Dorothy, Billy, Peggy and Ensemble Getting Out of Town - Pat Denning, Bert Barry, Maggie, Annie, Dorothy and Ensemble Dames - Billy and Ensemble We're in the Money - Annie, Peggy, Lorraine, Phyllis, Billy and Ensemble Sunny Side to Every Situation - Annie and Ensemble Lullaby of Broadway - Julian Marsh and Full Company About a Quarter to Nine - Dorothy and Peggy Shuffle Off to Buffalo - Annie, Bert, Maggie, Girls 42nd Street - Peggy, Billy and Ensemble Finale: 42nd Street (Reprise) - Julian/ Bows - Full Company